Dr. Inge Hiebl

Lebensmittelchemikerin / Biochemikerin
European Patent and Trademark Attorney
UPC Representative

European Patent and Trademark Attorneys

Thomas-Wimmer-Ring 15
80539 Munich
T +49 89 29060 - 0
F +49 89 29060 - 111
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SAFE-ID: DE.Justiz.29fa92ca-e7ba-47a8-b92f-74b2d73fbf7d.b5a3


Dr. Inge Hiebl studied food chemistry at Munich University and obtained a Ph.D. degree in molecular biology at the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried/Munich. She had scholarships from the Bavarian Foundation for the Promotion of an Elite, the Chemical Industry Foundation and the Educational Foundation Cusanuswerk.  After having worked at the Bavarian Regional Office for Water Resources Management in Munich, Dr. Hiebl joined Kraus & Weisert in 1989.

Her activities are primarily in the field of biotechnology, food chemistry and  pharmaceuticals  and cover in particular  patent prosecution, opposition, appeal and revocation proceedings before the German and European Patent Office, patent infringement litigation, opinion work, due diligence evaluation and client counseling.

She has handled numerous cases in the entire field of biotechnology and pharmacy such as cancer diagnostics and therapy, gene therapy, immunology, transgenic animals and plants, antibodies, enzymes, cloned genes, diagnostic and medical targets,  second medical indication, screening assays and many more.

Dr. Hiebl likes to participate in various sports in her spare time. She enjoys cross country skiing and mountain climbing and keeps fit with Nordic Walking, Yoga and strength training.


Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi)
Patentanwaltskammer (German Patent Attorney’s Association)
International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)
Educational Foundation Cusanuswerk

Our attorneys
and patent

We are your experienced partners in every major field of technology. Our patent attorneys and professionals are chemists, biochemists, biologists, pharmacists, physicists and engineers.

Our goal is to further improve on this already high standard and continue to offer our clients first-class service.

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